October 2022

Best in Show

1st Interpretative – “Colours of Asia”
by Sharon Stewart

Colour Award Award, 1st Members Choice by Kay Robinson

 Creative Award – “Twiggy”                      by Marion Lee 1st Open – Contemporary (D)                           by Yuka Chalmers
 1st Novice – Miniature (D)
  by Mary Peck 
          1st Novice – “Twiggy”
           by Lois Gest
   1st Intermediate – Miniature (D)
       by Carol Smith

   1st Intermediate – “Twiggy”
    by Sijia Pung

 1st Senior – Miniature (D)
           by Leonie Joss
     1st Senior – “Twiggy”
by Leonie Joss

Demonstration Pieces by  Sharon Cunningham and Val Roy


 Sharon’s first colourful example
of Pot-et-Fleur (D)



A dramatic Pot-et-Fleur by Sharon


  A wonderfully delicate  interpretation of
“Meadow Springs” by Val