May 2021

Best in Show
1st Modern- Basic Modern
by Debbie Jones

  1st Members Choice, Colour Award, Creative Award  
by Eileen Wenn

1st Open – Free Expression (D)
by Denise Shelbourn
  1st Novice – Contemporary Structural Design (D)  
by Lee-Ann Touyz


1st Novice – “Aiming High”
by Jackie Barry


  1st Senior – Contemporary Structural Design (D)  
by Julie Raymond

st Senior – “Aiming High”

by Maureen Young

monstration Pieces 
by Jeannette Hudson and Lyn Fisher

      An intricate Naturalistic (D) bowl
           created by Jeannette   


       Jeannette’s stunning second representation
                         of Naturalistic (D)   



                       Lyn’s turbulent representation
                                  of “Wild Winter”