August 2021

Best in Show
1st Interpretative – “Citrus Kaleidoscope”
by Sue Pilatti

Colour Award, 1st Open –
European Design, Incorporating Tufting
by Jeannette Hudson
Creative Award
by Barbara Turner

1st Modern – Basic Modern (D)
by Eileen Wenn

1st Members Choice
by Kay Robinson

1st Novice – Foliage (D)
by Lee Griffin

st intermediate – Foliage Design (D)

by Sharon Stewart

st Senior – Foliage Design (D)

by Maureen Young

st Senior – “Woven Wood and Wool”

by Marion Lee

Demonstration Pieces by Lyn Fisher and Brenda King

yn’s delightful rendition of the
                    definition subject – Underwater (D)

renda’s lovely “Pretty in Pink”