October 2020

Best in Show
1st Modern 
by Sue Pilatti

1st Open – Contemporary Bouquet (D),
Colour Award, Creative Award
By Gail Richardson


 1st Members Choice
by Denise Shelbourn

1st Interpretative – “Graceful Grasses”
by Denise Shelbourn


st Novice – Contemporary Design (D)

by Lee Griffin


 1st Novice – “October Dreaming”
by Lee-Ann Touyz

1st Intermediate – Contemporary Design (D)
by Susanna McKenzie


1st Intermediate – “October Dreaming”
by Angela Tew

 1st Senior – Contemporary Design (D)
by Julie Raymond

 1st Senior – “October Dreaming”
by Julie Raymond

Demonstration Pieces by Sue Pilatti and Brenda King


Sue’s beautiful example of Tapestry (D)


Another angle of Tapestry (D) showing the space
created by the inclusion of the twisted twigs

Brenda’s very interesting version of 
“Simple and Sweet”