February 2020

Best in Show
1st Interpretative – “Dramatic Driftwood”
by Karen Harold

Colour Award, 1st Open – Basic Modern (D)
by Kay Robinson

Creative Award – “Midsummer Dance”
by Gail Richardson

1st M
oderns – Stabile (D)
by Pene Brunning

st Members Choice
by Pene Brunning

1st Novice – “Midsummer Dance”

by Angela Tew

1st Novice – “Flowerless”
by Gail Richardson

st Senior -“Midsummer Dance”

by Leanne McNally

1st Senior – “Flowerless”
by E
mma Manger

Demonstration Pieces by Barbara Turner and Val Roy


Barbara’s stunning representation of S
till Life – Modern (D)

A delicate and decorative interpretation of “Diversity” by Val