September 2019

Best in Show
1st Intermediate – Structural (D)
by Emma Manger

Colour Award – Structural (D)
by Maurine Gulland


Creative Award, 1st Members Choice
by Pene Brunning

 1st Intermediate – “Colour Combo”
by Emma Manger

1st Senior – Structural (D)
by Jennifer Staniforth

 1st Senior – “Colour Combo”
by Jennifer Staniforth



1st European Design Styles  –
Structural Design (D)

by Mary Kanair


 1st Open Section –
Cascade Streaming (D)
by Jeannette Hudson

 1st Interpretative – “Climb Up”
by Lyn Fisher


Demonstration Pieces by Denise Shelbourn and Eileen Wenn

enise’s first example of an Asymmetrical Triangle arrangement.
Another lovely  Asymmetrical Triangle design by Denise.
The first of Eileen’s intrepretation of “Captured”.


A very different approach to the subject.

The third novel rendition of “Captured”.