November 2019

Best in Show
1st European Design Styles – Italian Layered – Horizontal (D)
by Helen Bignell

Colour Award, 1st Interpretative – “Art for the Soul”
by Pene Brunning
Creative Award
by Karen Harold


1st Members Choice
by Denise Shelbourn


1st Intermediate – Contemporary Horizontal (D)
by Suzanna MacKenzie

1st Senior – Contemporary Horizontal (D)
by Emma Manger


 1st Senior – “Bold but Beautiful”
by Maureen Young


 Demonstration Pieces by Sharon Cunningham



Sharon’s pre-prepared example of Formal Linear (D)

 A second example of Formal Linear (D) by Sharon

A most unusual interpretation of “Christmas in the Country”

 Sharon’s final work – “Christmas in the Country” – a lovely wreath.