October 2017

Best in Show

est in Show, 1st Interpretative – “Encapsulate”
by Sue Pilatti

olour Award

by Wendy Blackmore
Creative Award
by Stan Mitchell
 1st Traditional Design – Vertical Line (D)
by Brenda King 
1st members Choice
by Debbie Jones 

1st Open Section – Wired Handbag Spray (D)
by Sharon Cunningham

1st Novice – Stamobile (D)
by Pat Elliott

1st Novice – “Connected”
by Pat Elliott

1st Intermediate – Stamobile (D)
by Leslie Parkin


1st Intermediate – “Connected”
by Una Arnold 

1st Senior – Stamobile (D)
by Karen Harold

1st Senior – “Connected”

by Barbara Turner 

Demonstration Pieces by Pene Brunning and Jean Shine

Pene’s Definition Piece
– Diagonal Line

Jean’s first Interpretation
of “Using Seven Flowers”

Another Interpretation
of “Using Seven Flowers” by Jean