November 2017

Best in Show

1st Senior – “Using Seven Flowers”
by Barbara Turner

olour Award, 1st Intermediate – “Using Seven Flowers”

by Julie Bolton

reative Award, 1st Members Choice

by Valerie Roy
1st Traditional – Symmetrical Triangle (D)
by Sue Pilatti

1st Open – Italian layered Design (D)
by Jeannette Hudson

1st Interpretative – “Free Fall”
by Anna Stokes

1st Intermediate – Diagonal Line (D)
by Julie Bolton

1st Senior – Diagonal Line (D)
by Yuka Chalmers

Demonstration Pieces by Pene Brunning


“Christmas Party Time”

One of four variations of
Christmas Wreath 

A very lovely rendition of 
a Christmas Wreath 
by Pene

et another variation of 

Christmas Wreath
Pene’s Inspiration continues
with this
Christmas Wreath