October 2015

Best in Show

20151010151040 2Creative Award
1st Contemporary Design
by Lyn Fisher



20151010151211 2Colour Award
by Jean Shine

20151010151321 2
1st Member’s Choice
by Jean Shine

20151010151436 2
1st Open Section –
Art Nouveau (D)

by Elaine Holden

20151010151530 21st Interpretative – ‘Mayhem’
by Jeannette Hudson


201510101506361st Intermediate –
Layered Design Horizontal (D)
by Barbara Turner

201510101505401st Intermediate –
‘For the Love of Roses’

by Gigi Hesterman


201510101509011st Senior –  
Layered Design Horizontal (D)

by Deborah Jones

201510101507181st Senior – 
‘For the Love of Roses’

by Deborah Jones
Demonstration Pieces by Julia Lewis and Jeannette Hudson

Minerva LineJulia’s completed Minerva Line (D)

ThreadedJeannette’s first design – ‘Threaded

Threaded 2Jeannette’s second ‘Threaded’ design