April 2015

Best in Show

1st Members Choice
Pene Brunning 

1st Colour Award
Lyn Fisher

1st Creative Award
Denise Shelbourn

1st Contemporary Design
Kay Robinson

1st Open Section
“Formal Bowl”
Jane Merralls

1st Interpretative
by Jane Merralls

1st Novice
“Massed Design” 
(geometric shape) (D)
by Sue Pilatti

1st Novice
“Mostly Mauve”
by Sue Pilatti

1st Intermediate
“Massed Design” (geometric shape)
by Maureen Young

1st Intermediate
“Mostly Mauve”
by Maureen Young

1st Senior
“Massed Design” (geometric shape)
by Anna Stokes

1st Senior
“Mostly Mauve”
by Yuka Chalmers

Demonstration Pieces by Brenda King and Jan Steele

“Cascading Streaming
Wreath” (D)
by Brenda King

Inspired by a Painting”
Jan’s original work with the
painting beside it.

Jan’s reinterpretation of
“Inspired by a Painting”