Shirley Mitchell Memories

The Memories of WAFAS from Shirley Mitchell

I read a small piece in the West Australian and my Mum said, “go for it”, needless she passed away before I joined. I began Floral Art when we started in the Leederville Town Hall. The judge Mary (?), if I remember.I had two prizes and this judge said  “I’m sure Shirley, I didn’t think, you think that you could do so well”. The other judge I remember was Mary Cutler. Two friends I am still in contact with are Norma Godfrey and Audrey Heart Tylor are still in Leederville as far as I know.

My husband Cedric suffered with asthma and there was not a flower in the house (in the laundry perhaps or out on the patio). I was lucky enough to be able to drive the car with my flowers etc, while my husband stayed and look after the watering and bandicoots while I was out. Our pink and grey Galah as well was spoilt by him.

The Morley Creative Award had completed. Our team took over. My first “creative” was Oranges in a jar with orange skins on both sides – that  was my first and last Creative Award – I was very thrilled.